I designed these concepts in Photoshop and presented them at City Hall to the local councillor and representatives from Parks, Forestry, Toronto Water, Toronto Transportation Services, and the Toronto Region Conservation Authority. It was a last-ditch effort to persuade them to make necessary improvements for safety and accessibility.
My presentation was not expected. In fact, the purpose of the meeting was to review all the reasons why our requested improvements would not be granted. After listening to their reasons for almost an hour, I asked if I could share some ideas. I didn’t want to argue. I wanted to inspire them. And I did.
As requested by the councillor, who was inspired and impressed, they went back to the drawing board and made a number of changes, which I later reviewed and modified, as per the councillor and project team.
My involvement in dog parks began when the City almost took half my dog park away. Long story short, I defended and redesigned the dog park, which will now be fifty percent bigger, not smaller. This is a example of my relentless determination to constructively collaborate with others to solve creative challenges.