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When I started at LoyaltyOne, the Air Miles Quarterly Direct Mail Program was little more than a value pack. The outer envelope was different every time and partners were free to add whatever inserts they liked, as long as they fit inside.

It wasn’t pretty.

We were tasked with transforming the mailer into a personalized package that allowed every Air Miles partner to include inserts while maintaining a cohesive, branded look and feel.

And we did it.

In fact, we created one of the most personalized direct mail programs in the world. The letters were variable. The inserts were variable. The catalogues were variable. And they were all visually consistent, from a branding point of view.

Inserts were chosen for each individual consumer based on purchase history, redemption history, age, region and more. We mailed a head-spinning number of unique packages each year, using production technology that had never been combined before.

While this was partially a creative exercise, it was also about logistics and process. I love that stuff, too. It’s all about finding creative solutions.

The Air Miles Update Quarterly Direct Mail Program has won a number of awards, including multiple NAMMUs and a Gold CMA Award, and continues to remain the primary communication vehicle for AIR MILES and its partners.

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